Wednesday, December 31, 2008

See ya 2008.  Bring on the new and unknown.
Having spent some time away from my blog, I've come to realize that this must be something I choose to keep up with.  Something that I make time for, that becomes part of the routine, and that I learn to open up to.  It seems to me that one evolves over time when writing in a blog.  And it seems that others who have kept it up faithfully come to cherish and rely on their blogs and blog readers.  That is something that I'd like to have happen, but cannot force it.  It must be a natural process.
That being said, many other things have been on my mind lately.  Like the things the people always promise themselves to begin in the coming year.  I always feel that if I'm to start something, it must be at the beginning of the week, month or year.  It doesn't make sense to me to begin in the middle.  So, the start of a new calendar fosters newness in other things in my life as well.
Here are the things I'm adding to my goal sheet for 2009 (with the exception of the first line, in no particular order):
*Spend time in the Word daily, and not just on Sunday in church.
*Take one photo a day (not necessarily a self-portrait).
*Create something weekly, if not daily.
*Find a job.
*Keep house in orderly condition.
*Join gym and attend regularly (frequency TBD).
*Read often.
*Participate in Every Monday Matters with husband and parents.
*Keep a journal.
*Blog regularly (again, frequency TBD).
*Incorporate my One Little Word for 2009 into my daily life.
*Participate in the activities and discoveries of What's Your Red Rubber Ball?!.
I think that's all for now.
I'll expound on some of these tomorrow.
For now, have a safe and blessed New Year!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Adventures in a snow drift.

So... once again, it's been a week or so since I posted.  And a week or so since I did a journal page.  Oh well.  I've been busy.  Although I know plenty of people who run a household and kids, cook all their own food and bread and stuff, and have time to scrapbook and blog.  I'm just not there yet. 
I'm one who runs on routine.  If I don't have one, I don't do well.  Well, I'm ok, but things I know I can do don't get done regularly. 
That's all fine and dandy, but you may still be wondering about my post title.
It can be one of two things:  1) I live in a snowglobe and it's white everywhere, snowing quite a bit, or 2) I just got stuck in a snow drift and had to dig myself out.
How 'bout both.
I KNOW it is supposed to snow all day, and has been snowing ALL last night... but we don't really have anything to eat.  Cupboards are kinda empty.  Save for spices and lunch meat.  And eating lunch meat twice a day isn't much fun.  Although technically that counts as food and we should be grateful that we have that, when others don't have anything.  And are outside in this snowglobe. 
Anyways, we need things like milk and cereal and bread and some other basic things that I could have purchased yesterday, as it wasn't snowing then.  But really, how could I have known that?  (The Weather Channel for starters, maybe?)  So I figured, I'd better go out now, before it gets worse, as we could get 6-11 inches (!) by tonite.  Well.. that was a mistake.
It took me 20 minutes to scrape the snow layer and then ice layer off of my car, while standing in the knee-high drifts that surrounded my vehicle.  And I didn't have a hat.  I was on my way to buy one at the store right next to the grocery store.  (While I'm out, right?  Make the best of the trip out in the cold.)  So, I carefully ease my way into out of the parking lot and on the street.  This isn't so bad.  I'll just go slow.  Then I come to the stop sign.  Nice and easy.  No sudden movements now.  (I see a pile at the intersection, thinking nothing of it.  Anyways, the last thing I want to do is gun it through a stop sign and into the intersection, possibly finding an oncoming car or going too fast and not be able to make the turn.  And... the last time I gunned it through a large obstacle that seemed easy enough to get through, I drowned my car in a knee-high puddle.)
I get stuck.  A block from my home.  And not even in a ditch.
Um.. help?
Pete's at work, he's no use.
Mom and Dad might be at home... maybe they have an idea.
So, parents to the rescue.  They remind me I should have a shovel in my emergency bag in the trunk.
(Oh yeah!)
And they'll get bundled and come help.
Dig dig dig.
Plop.  (The shovel fell apart.)
Dig dig dig.
Rip.  (My pants ripped...they are very old and very worn.)
Thank goodness I have hiking boots and not tennis shoes on.
I try getting through it again.
No luck.
An older guy runs by.  Totally engrossed in his workout.
I wave.
There he goes.  Not even a glance.
I might start to cry soon.
Then a van drives up, a guy hops out (coat-less) and tells me to put it in neutral.  He'll push.
No such luck.
Another guy runs out (from an apartment? his car? I have no idea) with a coat and sweatpants (which are really not that warm when it's windy and snowy) and says to put it in reverse, he'll push.
The van-guy says he's going to get a coat, he'll be back.
Sweatpants digs some more and laughs with me when the shovel falls apart (again).  He digs behind my tires too, not just in front (like I was doing) and I hop in and throw it in reverse.
A little budge.
He explains that it might work to quickly go between drive and reverse, in an effort to "rock" it out of the snow bank.
I end up getting it out finally... going backwards.
Sweatpants asks if I really needed something that I should continue on with my journey.. I tell him we don't have much to eat.  He laughs and says, "Just order a pizza."
I gratefully thank him and don't even watch to see where he ran back to, to take some cookies or bread or something as a thank-you, and keep the car in reverse the 20 seconds back to the driveway.
I pull into my cleared out spot, and call my parents to tell them I'm ok, don't come get me.
Pizza it is.  Blizzard-02-lPhoto courtesy of this article that I should have read sooner.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Journal Your Christmas - Day 2

Once again, here I am almost at the end of the day, trying to get this put together.
I have so much more to say about the snow and the weather, and how it affects me and how I feel about Christmas...but it is late and I am using this post as a page-holder. Tomorrow when I can think more clearly, I shall expound on this idea. In the meantime, here is my quickly put together journal page about snow:
Not really that fancy or wow-worthy, but then, that's not what this journal is about.
I may add some hidden journaling on this page later, as well as a photo of us/me out in the snow sometime this month.  I'll update the photo when that happens.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I've surfaced

Alright.  So, this is where I've been for the last week:DSC_4433
Three days of driving.  One week of painting and waiting for the movers.  Then one week trying to dig myself out from under this mountain of boxes.
This room has tall windows and is 15 feet high. Yes, it was so much fun to paint, thank you for asking.  If the ceiling clearance had not been such, I would have felt extremely claustrophobic.
I've only got about 6 boxes left to unpack in the whole apartment.  Even after the garage sale, I cannot believe how much stuff we've already accumulated.  Sadly, most of the second bedroom's boxes consisted of my crafting stuff.
In fact, there was so much of it, and since we sold all the mismatched storage units that it once sat on, we took a drive to IKEA on Saturday to pick up one of these lovelies.Expedit bookshelf photo from
Which is now full of crafty stuff, but totally unorganized, so it won't stay full in the long run.  I am also working towards the green room/cat room/studio/workroom/storage room being ready for our beloved Jasmine to inhabit ASAP.  This is where she'll be staying when we're gone and when we're asleep.  And we can't have stuff all over the place, or boxes piled to the tops of the door frames.  She won't have any room!
So, as of this evening, this room is done.  The other rooms... they are unpacked, but in shambles.  Everything looks as if it has exploded.  Gah.  It drives me nuts.  And some people live like this every day!  Stuff everywhere, I mean.  To each his own.  :)
Anyways, as today is December 1, (or will be for about 10 more minutes), I am once again participating in Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas.  I did this last year, and almost finished the whole thing.  You are given a prompt, and you can write about it, take photos, or scrapbook.  This goes on from December 1 to January 6, and the concept is to take back your Christmas from the craziness that it has become.  To remember why you love it and what it's about and all of your memories and happy warm fuzzies regarding the holidays.  I love it! 
I got my stuff unpacked just in time.  Well, I didn't have everything organized, so I wasn't able to gather all my Christmas supplies for easy working, but I still did my dedication/manifesto/promise page, and here it is:
It is a little hard to see, but there is a Maya Road sheer on there - a woman with a little heart (I know it's on the "wrong" side, but there was a hole punched there, and I wanted to cover it up).  I liked this, as it is somewhat symbolic of the season and how it so involves our hearts - and not being so greedy and frantic, but being giving and savoring the season.
Anyhow, I'll try and blog once a day this month, as I'm working on a journal page each day.  No promises.  But I'll try.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is it

Last night here.
On our way tomorrow.
Goodbye house.
Goodbye Texas.
Hello better place to live.

I just hope we miss the winter weather.  I just don't like driving in it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's been a little while...

...Since I've last posted.
To catch up:
Halloween was spent at Fiesta Texas, for Fright Fest, and thankfully, we had coupons to pay the children's price, instead of full price.  I'm glad we didn't buy season passes, as I don't think it would have been worth it.  When we got to the park, we practically walked onto the Superman ride, we only stood in line because I had never been on it and Pete said the front was the best.  So we waited.  We rode about 5 rides in 2.5  hours, and most of them were in the dark most of the time.  The Rattler was the last we rode, and for about 4 seconds, it was complete and utter darkness!  Crazy.   There were also park members well-costumed that crept, slithered or glided around, going after park-goers.  An 11-foot (or taller) Zuul-like creature with glowing red eyes almost wrapped me in it's cape/claws.  It was funny. :)  We also made the observation that not too many of the costumed park-goers had really tried all that hard on their costumes.  Why bother dressing up at all then?
Our garage sale went pretty well this past weekend, our house is half-empty. 
Pete has spent the day stressed and ill, so I've been doing my best to care for him.  (As much as I can without getting sick myself. )  So, we'll be laying pretty low for a few days.
The movers come this week, and soon we'll be on our way home.
It can't come fast enough.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Foto Friday: Little People - a tiny street art project

They're not pets, Susan 1 - blog
Little People - a tiny street art project is one of the coolest photography websites I've found so far.  An artist by the name of Slinkachu paints wee figurines and places them in various positions around London.  He then photographs them close up and from far away.    (Can you see the tiny people in the second photo?)
They're not pets, Susan 2 - blog
This website is definitely one for entertainment purposes as opposed to learning purposes.  But, someone might be inspired to try something like this themselves, so who am I to rate its usefulness.  As for me, I enjoy the artist's work and will leave it to them. :)

Happy Halloween!
Foto Friday is a weekly installation, occurring every Friday, exploring Photographic websites and books as well as other Photographic topics.
Rainbow box-4

Friday, October 24, 2008

Foto Friday: 3191

I'm sure many have heard of this site, A Year of Evenings.  It stemmed from their original concept, A Year of Mornings, which was then published in a book.  The two friends, Stephanie Congdon Barnes and Maria Alexandra Vettese, who live 3191 (driving) miles apart, each take a photo and share them side by side.  They do not plan before hand, and the result is breathtaking.
3191 screenshot
Foto Friday is a weekly instalation, occuring every Friday, exploring Photographic websites and books as well as other Photographic topics.

Rainbow box-4

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stories In Hand

Jessica Sprague is offering a free class, registration begins tomorrow, the 20th! Go sign up! You don't have to be a scrapbooker to participate!

Rainbow box-4

Friday, October 17, 2008

Foto Friday

In an attempt to make my photography better, I have taken an online class, taught by Barbara Carroll, at Big Picture Scrapbooking.  I wasn't able to participate as I wish I could have, but I've still got all the hand outs.  This class has spurred me on to find inspiring and intriguing photography websites in which to haunt and try to emulate, in an effort to learn more.  Perhaps I shall add books to this intrigue as well.  And maybe a class taken in person might help too.  :)
Anyways, every Friday, I shall highlight a website or book that I think is worth checking out, if photography is something that interests you.  As I'm still learning about this whole thing too, I welcome suggestions of anything you might have come across in the surf across the web...or gambol through the library or local bookstore.
So, this first link is from a 2007 contest at PDN, Photo Direct News.Pdn nikon awards There are some pretty cool photos as well as methods in which to print/display them.  Check it out!
And, don't forget, send some suggestions if you have any!
Rainbow box-4

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I came across this, this evening (clicking on it will take you to the site of origin, as well as a larger image):
A more spatially-correct chart than this image, making the viral rounds:
Washington Post
Draw whatever extrapolations from this that you will, I just found it interesting.
Rainbow box-4

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So Long, Farewell

I bid my scrapbook supplies adieu.  To you, self healing mat, to you clear mono adhesive, and to you beautiful, beloved patterned paper.
Since we are moving soon and having a garage sale even sooner, I needed to clear off the storage units on which all my scrapbook stuff was residing.  So, it all must be emptied, and thus, boxed up, to ensure organization on the unpacking end.  That, and I don't want the movers to mess it up.
So, it's all going into boxes and bags.  And as a result, no more layouts or cards or creative things.  Not 'til we're in the new place and unpacked.
Papers & Pretty Things will still continue to run, but the crafty posts will be on a hiatus for a little while.  Instead, I'll be sharing some of the places that I go for inspiration, sites that I enjoy shopping (and window shopping) at, as well as a few other installations, yet to be determined.
Stay tuned, blog readers, I'm not going anywhere!
Rainbow box-4 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Campaign for Creativity

Donna Downey is one of my favorite people to go to for inspiration. She has posed a concept, Campaign for Creativity. I completely agree. Join in if you feel it is what applies to your artistic philosophy.
Live Life Inspired. Dream With Possibility! Donna Downey

Here's what the idea is about:

Quotes up
we all have a voice.
sometimes it speaks to us in a department store, or while reading a catalog, or while walking in nature. it is the voice that stops you and makes you look a things in a different way.

* like the placemats you pass while shopping at Target that inspires your next layout design,

* or the new bedding set you see in a pottery barn catalog that inspires the color pallet for your next collage painting

* or the nature walk that prompts you to pick up fallen branches and twigs that inspire your next home decor project.

embracing our creative potential and letting it free to guide our art is the challenge. believing in the power of your passion to create is the gift we all have to share.

"believe in your creative potential,
enjoy the creative process,
try something new, Quotes down
explore new possibilities,
but most of all believe."

Rainbow box-1

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Batty Bat (aka 1, 2, 3 Count!)

When I was little, I would watch Sesame Street every day. (Who didn't?) It even stayed in my after school tv line-up until 2nd or 3rd grade, believe it or not. Of all the songs they sing, even the theme song, this is the one I remember the most. I have no idea why. It will randomly pop into my head every now and again.

In honor of Count, I titled a side bar section after what I call that song, "1, 2, 3 count!" and have placed all of the applications with numbers in there: a 12-hour clock in my time zone, a 24-hour clock (which is for my benefit, as I still cannot tell time this way - despite being married to a soldier) and finally, a countdown to the Winter Olympics! Go snow! It's all the way at the bottom on the left.

batty batty batty batty batty bat 1 2 3 count!

p.s. I like colors!

p.p.s. I FINALLY figured out how to embed a video. (obviously).

Rainbow box-1

*Update: I just did a search on when this episode first aired; November 18, 1985, episode 2096. That link is a nice flowchart of all the skits on that episode... and I remember most of them! haha! wow. Some lovely memories! This episode was monumental, as we met Snuffy in real life for the first time!

This particular skit was one of my favorite ways they showed letters:

Letter g

I cannot find a video of this right now.. if anyone has seen one, please let me know!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Learn It

I have to say, I've been really into taking classes lately.  I miss school sometimes.  But the problem with online classes is that you don't have to show up in person to get the info, see the powerpoint, etc.  Everything is online, and I have a little more trouble with commitment.  I'll fall behind about half way through.  Then the class is over and I'm furiously trying to catch up and get in any questions before the instructor is no longer available.  Sigh.
I didn't do all of the homework for the Bling Out Your Blog class, but this will be one of the assignments. :)
I've learned so much from Kimberly Brimhall, it's amazing.  I had no idea there was such a huge structure to blogging.  So many help sites and tutorials, so much to do to customize one's online journal. 
To anyone who reads this via RSS feed, I've changed much of the design I was using before - a brand new look (so check it out!).  There are a couple things to change still, but I'm getting close to what I want.  The only brand new application in the sidebar is a playlist of tunes.  I've set it to play upon selection, instead of automatically playing and startling you out of your seat while at work... or late at night when the whole house is quiet...or just startling you period.  (You know what I'm talking about - we've all been to those blogs.)  :)  There are currently 103 songs by Christian artists, so it is safe for the family - most of them are on KLOVE.  It is a good mix of worship/praise songs, comfortable listening and several "hardcore" songs.  Hardcore Christian Bands, remember.  Nothing to be frightened of.  There are much more heavy metal/rap/screamer Christian bands out there, but still not my scene.  I usually listen to this playlist while I'm working on any of my crafty projects, doing the bills, reading blogs, or making dinner.  It's an all-around lovely selection.  (And if you don't like something, you can skip to the next one.)
One of the homework prompts (of at least a hundred to choose from) was "College taught you".  College taught me much, but what sticks out the most as it pertains to all the online classes that I'm taking is that I love to learn.  I always have.  I've done layouts about this before; my mom has dubbed me a Lifelong Learner.  While I was in the middle of college, it sure didn't feel that way, but I know I thrived in that environment.  Looking back, I can see it taught me how to organize, how to take notes, how to read more efficiently, and that I love classes.  If I could go to school just to learn, and not need to pay for it, pass the class with an A, or apply what I've learned to a specific job, I'd go to school forever.
Perhaps I'll make a little badge for the classes I'm currently taking.  That way, if anyone else is interested, they can check it out too!
*A bit of housekeeping:  If anyone finds any links that don't work or just want to talk about anything I've worked on my blog so far, don't hesitate to send me a comment or email.*

 Rainbow box-1

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dust Poofs

As part of Kimberly Brimhall's Bling Out Your Blog class, I am overhauling my blog, so excuse my dust.  I just made it very simple and clean, a new template for now.   Some of the photos I've posted are a little bit cut off on one side.  I'll adjust them soon.
Right now... we just finished watching The Last Samurai - I love this movie.  Pete says it'd be more accurate if Tom Cruise were French. :)
Right now... I'm feeling a bit like the sausage links we had for dinner.
Right now... I'm learning about a free photoshop-like program.  I just downloaded it.  We'll see.
Right now... I wish I was a cooking genius.
Right now... I'm praying our house will sell.
Right now... I'm missing my kittie.
Right now... I'm overwhelmed at the 235 photos I took at the concert this last weekend.  I filled the little memory card.
Right now... I wish I was tired so I wouldn't be up til 2 like usual.
Right now... I'm counting the days we have left in this place.
Right now.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Project Catwalk Finals Week 1

For the final four weeks, how the scoring works is that the top 10 will get points, but all 25 will move on to week 2.  Then, combined with week 2's scores, the new top 10 will move on to week 3.  The final top 5 from that week will then move on to the final round, week 4.  And from there a winner will be chosen.
So, here is what I entered for the first week of the final rounds.  We were given a materials list to choose from, with leeway of tool usage.Finals Week 1
On a different note, this is where we were last night (I forgot to mention it earlier - how, I don't know.)
It was extremely awesome! We had the best seats I've ever had at a concert - row J.  10th row!  In the orchestra section.  On the floor!  So cool!  I'll post some pics later today or tomorrow, once I get a chance to look at them. (Oh and I love the promo poster - the graphics are pretty sweet.)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Shopping Trip Spoils

Here are a few of yesterday's purchases.
From Hallmark:
Angel of prayer Star backdrop
I have the whole Demdaco's Willowtree Nativity Set, but needed an angel for the manger-top.  I also wanted a second set of stars, to balance out the backdrop.  In addition, I picked up a few Christmas gifts while we were there. :D
From Bath & Body Works:
Oil warmer Autumn apple Fresh bamboo
I've got scads of lotion from this place and many others.  If anyone out there who is reading this is considering purchasing a bath set or body lotion for me for Christmas... I beg you, please don't!  It'll take me 5 years to use up what I have...if not longer.  So I spent the gift card on an oil warmer, at Pete's request.
From Ross:
A $10 pair of Reebok football cleats.  That apparently are the "comfiest I've ever owned," according to the hubs.  I almost got a Kenneth Cole handbag... but the Ross price tag was missing and they said it would be $65.  Now, from $159... that's a really great deal!  But I still can't bring myself to pay that much for a purse I'll only use for a year.  (I get tired of my purses after 6-12 months.  But maybe that would change if I had a well-made one.)
From Linens N' Things:
Hercules hook
A drying rack, Hercules Hooks, and a broken digital cook-timer that I have to return.
And, from Claires, a darling green owl necklace, some jangly bracelets and several toe rings.  (None pictured - obviously.  I couldn't find a photo of them online, so I'll just have to photograph them myself.)
And, on a separate note, we filled out the registration to vote today, to be mailed tomorrow.  I can't figure out how to embed a video in my blog yet (still learning!) so here's a link to a cool 5 minute video.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy October!!

Almost at the end of the day, Happy October 1st!  I can't wait to see changing colors!! I'll have to live vicariously through those back home! So take lots of pictures for me!
In an effort to get out of the house, we decided to spend all of our gift cards we've been stockpiling since Christmas.  So, there were piles of bags in the trunk!  I'll take some photos tomorrow in the good light!
I have to say though, this was one of the highlights:
Batman_announce_image Bring on the LEGO pieces.
I'm also taking this class:

Monday, September 29, 2008

3 Years Ago Today...

3 years ago today, I said this in my blog (at the end of a very long post):
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Give It Up
After everything that has been going on in the past few months, I've come to the realization that I've just got to give it up.  Give everything up to Him.  I'll never make it through without Him.  I've tried.  And failed miserably.
How funny that I haven't seemed to internalize this yet.  Here I am, still trying to do it all on my own.  "I know best."  Right.  Ha.  (Shakes head in grim dismay at self.)
"I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to you"
-Building 429

(emphasis mine)
Sigh.  Perpetual learning.  And forgetting.  And re-learning again.
Here's to re-learning. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pretty Flowers

Look what I got yesterday!DSC_4188-1  
Pete wanted to cheer me up because of the whole pest thing.  And the whole house not selling thing.
He's such a sweetie!
P.S. The material I used on the rainbow layout (week 9's project catwalk entry) is cut up drinking straws.  There are 4 straws of each color (4x6 is.. 24) so 24 straws cut up into little bits, anywhere from 1/16" to 1/4" in size.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Project Catwalk (part 3)

SIStv has been running a project/contest for the last 10 weeks, corresponding with Project Runway.  Each week we would get a challenge/prompt to create something based on that week's fashion challenge.
The final 4 weeks worth of projects:
Week 7
Week 7
Theme: Texture
Challenge: Create a 12x12 layout using texture in a unique way.
*I've already posted this layout, but I thought it would be nice to see them all in context.
Week 8
Week 8
Theme: bigSIS
Challenge: Create anything as if you are designing something to fit in with the design aesthetic at SIStv.
Week 9
Week 9 photo 1
Week 9 photo 2
Theme: Avant Garde
Challenge: Create a 12x12 layout using something as it was not meant to be used.
*This layout was one of the four weekly winners!
Week 10
Week 10
Theme: Scraplift
Challenge: Create something by scraplifting any of the previous Project Catwalk entries.
*Scraplifting is "lifting" either some part of or the entirety of a scrapbook page.
The 10-week regular season is over and I made the top 25 in scores!  Number 7 I think.  The top 25 contestants will be participating in the 4-week finals, starting next week.  (We get this week as a break.)  I'm so excited, this has been such a fun contest to be a part of!
In home-news, we chased a fat mouse out of the garage this afternoon, and currently, Pete is at the store picking up ant killer.  We discovered a nest outside by the living room, and they seem to have infiltrated the house.  So far it is just the living room.  I HATE ants.  They bite.  And are creepy/crawly.  And are tiny.  Ugh.  Stupid weather - never freezes and kills everything.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Project Catalk (part 2)

SIStv has been running a project/contest for the last 10 weeks, corresponding with Project Runway.  Each week we would get a challenge/prompt to create something based on that week's fashion challenge. 
Alrighty! On to the next few entries.
Week 4
Week 4 - 1
Week 4 - 2 Week 4 - 3 Week 4 - 4 Week 4 - 5 Week 4 - 6 Week 4 - 7 Week 4 - 8
Theme: USA!
Challenge: Create a mini album, using the colors of red, white and blue, and incorporate four of the following words (perseverance, glory, strength, determination, honor, brave, friendship, team, solidarity, competition)
*This I made while we were traveling.  The table I photographed the album on is a wee table my grandpa made for me as a child, out of left-over formica counter-top material.  I may have to take all my photos out in the sunroom on the wee table!  I love the intensity of the colors (I didn't edit these for contrast at all!)
Week 5
Week 5
Week 5 - pic 2
Theme: Denim
Challenge: Create a wall hanging that is at least 4"x6" using denim as the primary product.
*Sadly, I missed the part about it being primary.  Oh well.  I still love it!
Week 6
Week 6
Theme: Big Impact
Challenge: Create an 8.5x11 or 12x12 layout that will make a big impact, using minimal supplies.
*One of the comments I got on this layout is the funniest I've ever received, she thought I was talking about bosoms!  Haha!  I was in fact trying to draw attention to the MaryKay compacts we all had.
Tomorrow will be the last four weeks of projects.

Project Catwalk (part 1)

SIStv has been running a project/contest for the last 10 weeks, corresponding with Project Runway.  Each week we would get a challenge/prompt to create something based on that week's fashion challenge.  So, here are the first 3 weeks of my projects!
Week 1
Week 1
Theme: Innovation
Challenge: Create a 8.5x11 layout using two of these items (coffee filters, garbage bags, balloons, bouncy ball, vinyl table cloth, shower curtain, vacuum bag, mop top, fly swatter, paper towel, cupboard liner)
Week 2
Week 2
Theme: Green
Challenge: Create a card around the color green.  Use cellophane in part of your card and make a matching envelope using newspaper.
Week 3
Week 3
Theme: Your Style
Challenge: Create a 12x12 layout inspired by one of the dresses made for the Runway, describing your scrapbooking style.

Check back to see the next few entries! :D