Monday, May 26, 2008


Mmmm yeeaaaah... missed the boat on that one.

Grand total of photos taken yesterday: 6.

Total pounds lost: 1.

Completed things from last weekend's "to do" list: 2 (but all of them started).

Creative projects in the "to work on" pile: 8.

Completed things off of today's "to do" list: 4 (an improvement)

What is it about following through that I have such a hard time with? I don't remember having this problem in college.. I did very well, completed most things ahead of schedule. Is it that I don't have any teachers setting deadlines for me? Why can't I stick to a deadline I've made for myself?

It is in this question that I find the hinting of failure as an adult. When there are no longer parents or teachers setting guidelines, time lines and deadlines, it is up to oneself to set these things. Self regulation. This is a large component of maturity and discipline. Both of which I've always thought I had lots of... and was even ahead of the game when I was younger. But now, I'm not really exuding those values. Is it a question of motivation? Initiative? Commitment? I don't know. I think follow-through involves all of those things.

Am I the only one who has a hard time with this? Did I just get distracted by something shiny and sparkly along the way, while everyone else I was ahead of passed me by, now full swing into adulthood and succeeding by leaps and bounds? Is this an ongoing character flaw/struggle? Or.. is this problem solved once kids come along? Do you magically get better at doing things because the tiny bundle of cuteness has a bazillion needs and you're the only one that can fulfill them, so you just HAVE to do whatever it is you had planned on doing? There is no question of do I really feel like it, you just do it? If that's the case, I guess I'll just have to keep on muddling through until whenever we start having the babies.

Advice? Criticism? Suggestions? Opinions? Similar story to share? Anyone? Bueller?Ben_stein

P.S. I don't mean to complain and whine... just trying to understand and work things out.

P.P.S. Happy Memorial Day!

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