Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blog Trial Number 5

Well hello to the wide world of anonymous people!

This will now be my fifth attempt at starting and continuing with a blog. The first time was in college, and I found out I cannot say whatever I want when you are associated with an institution like the government. Lesson learned. Trial number two was a card-only type blog, and when I began to grow away from that medium of creativity, I also grew away from the blog. "Third time's the charm" did not really hold true for me in this instance, as the third installment ended abruptly as I grew weary of the host site itself. Switching over to a new hosting site who was also free (blog number four) fell victim to my waning attention span. And thus, here I am at blog number five. I'm hoping that by using a paid for site, it will inspire me to keep up with posts. I also have been trying to keep a journal since the beginning of the year, as encouraged by Ali Edwards, one of my idols. The other thing that was very attractive about typepad was the freedom you have to change the look, customize and all the other cool stuff to play around with (like spell check!). By having this opportunity to switch it up, I'm hoping I won't get bored.

I also need to keep a blog going because our families are so far away. I know the phone is right there and email is even more right there. But this is yet another form of connection and relationship that we can all have and share.

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