Friday, November 6, 2009

Open Letter #1

Dear Attendee of UW Men's Hockey Game Who Happened to Sit in the Same Row As Me,
This must have been the first hockey game you've ever attended, because you obviously are unaware of common game etiquette. So common that it's posted on signs as you walk into the arena. One of the most important rules being, wait until a break in the play to find your seat. Perhaps if you had ever attended a professional game, you would have known this, since the ushers actually stop you from entering the seating area until play has stopped.
Because, really, when there is a power play on our half of the rink in favor of my (our) team, they are in the process of attempting to score, and you walk in front of me, it does not make me happy. So unhappy even, I am ashamed to admit that I spoke unkindly at you. Not towards you, but at you. I'm sure you heard me as you squeezed by, because when you left again 2 minutes later (!) you gave me a look of confused hatred.
I might have gotten over this blunder, had you not committed it again, later on in the game.
Next time, you need to be a little more considerate of the other spectators. Consider this your warning. If it happens again, you just might find yourself on the other side of the railing.
A Disgruntled Season Ticket Holder
P.S. I'm only kidding about the railing part. But seriously. Don't do it again.

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