Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is it still January?

I'd like to say it's been busy... and that would explain my absence.  But that would be false.  I've just been away from the blog for a few weeks. 
While I was gone, we went on one of these:
To go to one of these:
(a wedding)
And to visit this place:
That 4 day trip involved two nights with 2 hours of sleep, a 4am wake up, a 4:50am wake up and one of the worst motels I've ever stayed in.  Shudder.  The wedding was beautiful, the company delightful, and the day at Disney, divine.  The weather was perfect for the two important days and crummy for the two travel days.  We'll be visiting Disney World in January from now on... no more of that July business.
-In other news, I'm still working on Project 365 - but without a kit.  There has been a HUGE problem with the ordering... and I thought I had managed to avoid most of it.. but no.  I still have yet to get anything in the mail.  I'm calling again today.
-We've been working on Every Monday Matters, and this week is to sign up for AMBER alerts, which we've done via cell phone texts.
-Last week was to turn off the TV more often and designate certain times to watch it.  We haven't had that problem much, as we don't get cable or the satelite anymore.  Sadly tho' this week I found a website you can watch shows on, for free.  I will have to make sure I apply this self-discipline to the website, so I don't spend hours watching Survivor, The Amazing Race, Fringe, etc online.
-I'm really starting to get serious about finding a job, as it is becoming more and more important to our income. 
-As for our house... well, it's still up for sale.  Prayer is constantly happening.
-Happily, I've begun a ladies bible study at church, and am enjoying it immensely.
-I just finished a project with A Life Well Crafted, but have to upload the photos and edit them.  I'll try and get those up tomorrow.
This post is really choppy and bulleted... but it's all I got for now. :)

Attribute Album

Ok, so I did get to this today. Yay!
This album could have been done for anyone, but I chose myself.  At first it seemed a little selfish, and somewhat braggy... but then I reminded myself those reasons are why I needed to make this for me.  To remind myself that I am worth these titles.  Some more than others, but still, all are a part of me.JillRadke_AttributeAlbum1-1 JillRadke_AttributeAlbum2-1 JillRadke_AttributeAlbum3-1 JillRadke_AttributeAlbum4-1 JillRadke_AttributeAlbum5-1

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Our Anniversary

A week or so ago, Pete and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary.  Not a big to-do, we're going to Disney with a few friends next weekend, so that will be our gift to each other.  But we still got each other cards and went out to a very nice dinner.  I  just wanted to share the gift from my parents (mostly my mom) who made us another quilt.  Her most labor-intensive one yet.  And my absolute favorite ever of her practical quilt repertoire.  (She makes small, art-wall-hanging quilts too.)
DSC_4723 I think she said it's called Flying Geese Around the Lake.  This is just one small corner.
Thanks mom!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

One more goal (well two, really) and Bruce Campbell

Another of my goals for 2009 is to take a photo daily, as well as create something (somewhat daily).  This has been on my mind for months.  Well, it just so happens that someone has put these two things together into an easy-to-use, easy-to-keep-up-with kit. 
Unfortunately, it sold out in 2 hours.  Luckily, I was able to snag one kit.  It took me an hour and a half of dealing with their crashing server, but I got one.  From what it sounds like, hundreds did not.  I'm saddened to hear that almost all of them are taking it out on one person (the one who did the promoting of the kit) but I cannot blame nor judge them, as I was one of the few who's order went through.
What is this elusive kit you might be wondering?
365 It's called Project 365, (similar to the flickr site's project 365) and the concept is to either take a photo daily or keep some sort of memorabilia bit, such as a receipt or shopping list or report card or what have you.  Then journal about the day.  Nothing too fancy or complicated.  The appealing this is that it's all pre-cut and fits together perfectly, colors matching, etc.  You don't even need adhesive!
You put it all together to make something like this:
365maggie  (photo courtesy of Becky Higgins, created by Maggie Holmes)
Simply adorable.  Simply simple.
So, I will be fulfilling two goals in one swoop.  Check.
As for the Bruce Campbell thing, he was (maybe still is) promoting his new movie, My Name is Bruce, and as far as the promoting went, he showed up after each show to do a live Q & A.  If he had not be there in person, I'm not sure I would have gone with Pete to the show.  But still.  I took my camera, and immediately lamented that I failed to bring the zoom lens.  We had assigned seats, and were about 2/3rds back in the smallish auditorium (stadium seating style - it was a movie theater).
What I was able to catch are the following photos.  Blurry and far away.  A flash produced a dark foreground and thus had to use the lighting from the ceiling.  Bah.
DSC_4471 DSC_4478 DSC_4481
Here's what he looks like (for those who don't know) in a proper photo (minus the glasses - it was midnight, perhaps his eyes were tired.):
I have to say, it was neat to see this guy in person; pretty funny at impromptu wacky questioning. 
The Q & A ended with one girl in the back saying, "I don't really have a question, I just wanted to tell you that I have a tattoo of you."
B.C. "Wow, that's awesome, where is it?"
Girl "On my calf."
B.C "How much did it cost?"
Girl "$400"
B.C. (surprised) "Well, here - it's not $400, but make sure it gets back to her." (And proceeds to remove a $5 bill from his wallet and it goes hand over hand to the back of the theater to her.)
It was pretty cool.

Friday, January 2, 2009

One Little Word 2009

Olw 2009 A few years ago, Ali Edwards put out a challenge to her readers to pick one word for the coming year that they will hold close to their hearts, to inject into their every day's work.  Something to embody your life for the next year.  Something to work on, to change, to keep as a reminder.
I have spent the last 3 years withdrawing into myself even more so than is in my normal character (to be self-sufficient and quiet and reserved).  I have not made the effort to branch out and meet new people.  To try new things.  To see new places.  To take a stab at failure.  To do anything that I am unsure about.
In choosing the word CONNECT, I am hoping to remind myself daily that I need to put myself out there and connect with other people.  Connect with the world in which I live.  Connect with my Heavenly Father.  And too, connect with myself.
It will take multiple reminders, most likely daily... even hourly.  But I hope to come out of 2009 with more courage to take that first step of putting myself out there and connecting with others.