Monday, September 29, 2008

3 Years Ago Today...

3 years ago today, I said this in my blog (at the end of a very long post):
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Give It Up
After everything that has been going on in the past few months, I've come to the realization that I've just got to give it up.  Give everything up to Him.  I'll never make it through without Him.  I've tried.  And failed miserably.
How funny that I haven't seemed to internalize this yet.  Here I am, still trying to do it all on my own.  "I know best."  Right.  Ha.  (Shakes head in grim dismay at self.)
"I'll wake up to find
Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to you"
-Building 429

(emphasis mine)
Sigh.  Perpetual learning.  And forgetting.  And re-learning again.
Here's to re-learning. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pretty Flowers

Look what I got yesterday!DSC_4188-1  
Pete wanted to cheer me up because of the whole pest thing.  And the whole house not selling thing.
He's such a sweetie!
P.S. The material I used on the rainbow layout (week 9's project catwalk entry) is cut up drinking straws.  There are 4 straws of each color (4x6 is.. 24) so 24 straws cut up into little bits, anywhere from 1/16" to 1/4" in size.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Project Catwalk (part 3)

SIStv has been running a project/contest for the last 10 weeks, corresponding with Project Runway.  Each week we would get a challenge/prompt to create something based on that week's fashion challenge.
The final 4 weeks worth of projects:
Week 7
Week 7
Theme: Texture
Challenge: Create a 12x12 layout using texture in a unique way.
*I've already posted this layout, but I thought it would be nice to see them all in context.
Week 8
Week 8
Theme: bigSIS
Challenge: Create anything as if you are designing something to fit in with the design aesthetic at SIStv.
Week 9
Week 9 photo 1
Week 9 photo 2
Theme: Avant Garde
Challenge: Create a 12x12 layout using something as it was not meant to be used.
*This layout was one of the four weekly winners!
Week 10
Week 10
Theme: Scraplift
Challenge: Create something by scraplifting any of the previous Project Catwalk entries.
*Scraplifting is "lifting" either some part of or the entirety of a scrapbook page.
The 10-week regular season is over and I made the top 25 in scores!  Number 7 I think.  The top 25 contestants will be participating in the 4-week finals, starting next week.  (We get this week as a break.)  I'm so excited, this has been such a fun contest to be a part of!
In home-news, we chased a fat mouse out of the garage this afternoon, and currently, Pete is at the store picking up ant killer.  We discovered a nest outside by the living room, and they seem to have infiltrated the house.  So far it is just the living room.  I HATE ants.  They bite.  And are creepy/crawly.  And are tiny.  Ugh.  Stupid weather - never freezes and kills everything.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Project Catalk (part 2)

SIStv has been running a project/contest for the last 10 weeks, corresponding with Project Runway.  Each week we would get a challenge/prompt to create something based on that week's fashion challenge. 
Alrighty! On to the next few entries.
Week 4
Week 4 - 1
Week 4 - 2 Week 4 - 3 Week 4 - 4 Week 4 - 5 Week 4 - 6 Week 4 - 7 Week 4 - 8
Theme: USA!
Challenge: Create a mini album, using the colors of red, white and blue, and incorporate four of the following words (perseverance, glory, strength, determination, honor, brave, friendship, team, solidarity, competition)
*This I made while we were traveling.  The table I photographed the album on is a wee table my grandpa made for me as a child, out of left-over formica counter-top material.  I may have to take all my photos out in the sunroom on the wee table!  I love the intensity of the colors (I didn't edit these for contrast at all!)
Week 5
Week 5
Week 5 - pic 2
Theme: Denim
Challenge: Create a wall hanging that is at least 4"x6" using denim as the primary product.
*Sadly, I missed the part about it being primary.  Oh well.  I still love it!
Week 6
Week 6
Theme: Big Impact
Challenge: Create an 8.5x11 or 12x12 layout that will make a big impact, using minimal supplies.
*One of the comments I got on this layout is the funniest I've ever received, she thought I was talking about bosoms!  Haha!  I was in fact trying to draw attention to the MaryKay compacts we all had.
Tomorrow will be the last four weeks of projects.

Project Catwalk (part 1)

SIStv has been running a project/contest for the last 10 weeks, corresponding with Project Runway.  Each week we would get a challenge/prompt to create something based on that week's fashion challenge.  So, here are the first 3 weeks of my projects!
Week 1
Week 1
Theme: Innovation
Challenge: Create a 8.5x11 layout using two of these items (coffee filters, garbage bags, balloons, bouncy ball, vinyl table cloth, shower curtain, vacuum bag, mop top, fly swatter, paper towel, cupboard liner)
Week 2
Week 2
Theme: Green
Challenge: Create a card around the color green.  Use cellophane in part of your card and make a matching envelope using newspaper.
Week 3
Week 3
Theme: Your Style
Challenge: Create a 12x12 layout inspired by one of the dresses made for the Runway, describing your scrapbooking style.

Check back to see the next few entries! :D

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Newest TV Obsession

So, we watch a little too much television around here.
We've got our DVR running every day. (Hey, we're paying for a satellite, we may as well use it, right?)
So, in addition to my Smallville obsession (which premiers on Thursday!), I've added a new show to the "must see" list.  It premiered last Tuesday on FOX, and the second episode is currently recording right now, as I write this.  (To avoid all the annoying commercials - a big reason why we use the DVR.) 

I have to say, it is extremely awesome, and completely suspensful.  For me, at least. :) 
What are you looking forward to this fall on TV?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ok... well..

Maybe I won't stay away. :)
I'll just stick to posting challenge layouts.
How's that?
Here's a recent layout I did for SIStv's Project Catwalk, using one of my wedding pictures and new techniques from a class I just took.
Yep, just challenges.  At least until new life stuff happens. :)
Signtature 3

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I'm calling Time.  (T)
Hold the phone.
Stop everything.
Wait a minute.
And that's just what's happening.  Everything has pretty much stopped.
We don't have much going on in our lives right now, so I'm going to place a hold on the blog for a little while.
If there isn't anything going on in our lives (other than trying to sell this house.. please somebody buy it!) I don't have much to blog about.
I'll get back at it when there's stuff to talk about.
I'm not saying this in a mean voice or a mad voice or an anything other than informative voice.  So please don't read into it!  (Except the part about somebody buy our house - that's a pleading voice.)
And I'm not abandoning the ol' blogy blog altogether, so don't worry!
Peace out. -j